Wednesday, 17 June 2015


It is the view of many people that designing the outdoor landscapes is more vital than the indoor spaces. This is so because most think that indoor landscapes are only found at home level. For instance in the living room, dining room. Of cause, these are examples of indoor landscapes but they are just but a few types. This question answers series will help improve your comprehension of these landscapes.

What do you consider as an indoor landscape?
In a simple language, an indoor landscape is the landscape which is established in an indoor space. This is to say that it is the space created in an indoor space by some plants to serve a particular function. such indoor spaces include our very own homes, offices, supermarkets, airports, and so on.
in summary, any space that is not in the outside open environment, it is considered an indoor space or landscape.
indoor space in a home situation.

What are the factors considered before establishing an indoor landscape? 
Before you do anything to an indoor landscape, you have to know that it is not a natural environment where most plants can thrive well. Depending on the type of plant that you wish to establish in such a landscape, you should first consider some aspect concerning the plants. These aspects are very key in the survival of the landscape.
  1. The temperature conditions of the indoor space
since different plants require different amounts of temperature to grow, you will have to study your indoor space and adjust its temperature conditions to favour the plants that you wish to grow there.
  2. The lighting conditions of the space
light is a very vital aspect in plant growth. The light intensity, colour and duration vary with different types of plants. Therefore, modifications should be made in the indoor space depending on the type of plant that is to be established there. If it is a plant that requires high light intensity, artificial lighting can be provided to ensure its survival.
  3. The humidity conditions of the indoor space
humidity also plays a vital role in many plants and some will require high humidity while others low or average. The humid conditions of an indoor space can always be adjusted artificially by use of humidifiers and dehumidifiers. This will ascertain the growth of the kind of plant you wish to establish.

Which plants should I use in indoor spaces?
There is an endless list of the kind of indoor plants to use in your home or office. Therefore, it all depend on you and also, the function you want to achieve. And you will find that most outdoor plants can also be used as indoor plants and therefore, there is no rigidity when it comes to these plants. The common indoor plants are aloe, spider plant, English ivy, diffenbachia, money plant, monstera, read more.The following sites will help you to get more information on the types of plants to be used, there prices and specifications on how to care for them:

b.good indoor plants

Which different types of furniture do i use to grow indoor plants?
The container or planters you use to grow your indoor plants are important in that they have to blend with the types of plants you wish to establish.
These containers are made of different materials like glass, ceramic, clay, wood, concrete, fibre, metal.. The choice is yours as they vary in price and sizes.

potted wheat grass- clay container

What is the role of the established indoor landscape?

The role that you intend the indoor landscape to achieve is very paramount. This is what will determine the types of plants to use, the types of containers and planters to use and the number and theme colour that you will use in the landscape. Therefore, it is very important to first know the role of your indoor landscape before starting any work on your indoor space.

Hope this was helpful wherever you are and you will always find more information here. For more inquiries, feel free to post them in our comment box.

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