Thursday, 16 July 2015

Koi pond


Landscape Gallery

Outdoor villa ...

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Everyday Design: Simple Landscaping Tips for Your Home

Everyday Design: Simple Landscaping Tips for Your Home: Designing your landscape is a sure way of transforming your home into a serene environment ideal for human enjoyment and experience.  Creat...

Monday, 13 July 2015

Everyday Design: About Rock Gardening

Everyday Design: About Rock Gardening: For most homeowners, the idea of including a nicely crafted garden is quite evident as it complements the building and creates such a...

Everyday Design: Selecting Trees for Your Landscape-Tips

Everyday Design: Selecting Trees for Your Landscape: On any landscape, trees offer a lifetime of fulfilling functions ranging from beauty, air purification, shade, creating spaces among othe...

Friday, 10 July 2015

Everyday Design: Redefining outdoor architecture

Everyday Design: Redefining outdoor architecture: In recent developments, there is the urge to include a good landscape design to complement the  architecture owing to the fact that the o...

Monday, 6 July 2015


What comes into your mind when you think of a water garden? A garden full of different plants in water? You might just be right. A water garden is actually a blend of different plants, water and possibly with the inclusion of aquatic animals. But this blending has to be done right so as to ensure peaceful co-existence. Water gardens can come in many forms; ponds, streams,...

Friday, 3 July 2015


Have you ever come out of your house on a sunny hot day, you feel like getting some nice cool fresh air but all you see is an extension of grass with nowhere to seat?? Well, that always kills the mood but i am going to unravel that for you. There are simple outdoor furniture and structures which can make your compound look warm and welcoming. If well implemented in the compound,...